Almost every week, I talk with coaches, consultants, and professional services firms who have invested a lot of time, money, and energy into their websites, and they don’t realize that their websites could be SOOOOO much better!

In today’s global marketplace, where you’re competing against so many in your industry – your website needs to act as your silent salesman.

Let’s be real… your prospect is checking you out online.  They are Googling your name, scanning your website, and looking at your social media profiles before they even consider talking to you!

So, is your prospect clicking away from your website in those first 3 seconds OR are they scrolling down and reading more?

YUP…. that’s all it takes – 3 seconds for them to decide whether to read more or click away!

Here are a few smart tips on how you can get them to keep reading and be curious about what you do!

For the purposes of this blog, let’s just look at the HEADER of your website because it’s the first thing people see – it’s about you making a great first impression!

The header of your website is the part that you see when you first land on a website – that part you see without having to scroll down.  This is where your prospect makes the decision whether to click away or scroll down.


1.  Does your header pass the 3-second rule?

  • Does it point out the PROBLEM your prospect wants solved?
  • Does it tell them that they are in the right place i.e. call out to them personally?
  • Does it give them a call to action?

Here’s what I mean…. if you use my website as an example:

My header tells people

  1. that I do coaching and consulting (top left corner)
  2. it says it’s for service-based entrepreneurs (very specific)
  3. it says I help them work less, earn more (more specifically – more profit, more free time, and more joy)
  4. it gives them a call-to-action (CTA) in the top right corner and middle

ALL THAT before they have to scroll!  They immediately know whether they are in the right place or not!

Check out your website – does it pass the 3-second rule?


2.  Is your header welcoming?

Having a picture of YOU smiling is certainly one way to do this but too often I see stock photos in the header.  People want to know the person behind the product, service, etc.

Does your header include a current picture of you smiling?


3.  Is your CTA (call-to-action) in a bright color?

Research shows that CTA’s in red have the highest conversion rate. For maximum conversion, repeat your CTA twice in your header!

Does your header include an ACTIVE CTA at least twice?


4.  Is your navigation bar confusing?

A confused mind doesn’t buy.  Having too many options in your navigation bar can cause confusion.  Four to five options are plenty.  One way to reduce the number of options is to place some information in your ‘footer’ – that section at the bottom.  Since the footer stays the same as someone navigates your website, it’s the perfect place for contact information, social media links, membership associations, where to purchase your book, and of course, another CTA!

One of the many things I help my clients do is to build their client-attracting website.

Although I’m not the website builder, together we write the content and create a simple layout (this is called wireframing).  Then I refer them to my ever-so-smart web person.  Because they now have most of the content written and laid out for the web builder, it saves not only time and money!

Perhaps your website just needs a little tweaking to position you as the Authority, the one your prospect should choose.

Or perhaps you’d like an outside opinion on how you could improve your website without doing a complete overhaul?

Want to upgrade the ‘client-attraction’ factor of your website, register for a Website Audit Session here!  For only $197, you’ll get my honest feedback without selling you a whole new website!  Plus, you’ll get my free Client-Attracting Website Checklist so you can effectively & efficiently have website upgrades.



Read more about making your website more lucrative here:

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