Most business owners don’t plan their week ahead but instead, end up being reactive to customer problems and team struggles!

With a little preparation and insight, you can become more effective by planning your week ahead and focusing on tasks that truly drive your business forward efficiently.

In this week’s episode of Work Less PROFIT More, I share a ton of tools and exercises to help you plan your week ahead (here).

However, today I’d love to share what I’m calling my 9 WLPM (Work Less PROFIT More) Rules for getting more sh*t done!!!

While you might have heard of some of these rules previously, I have a feeling they bear repeating especially if you’re feeling overwhelmed with too much to do.

Here’s my 9 WLPM Rules for increasing productivity:

  1. Use an online calendar with a booking system for appointments and telephone calls; it’s a game changer.
  2. Put absolutely everything in your calendar (vacations, kids app’t, etc).
  3. Colour code your activities in your calendar (see this week’s episode show notes for an example).
  4. Allow buffer time and self-care time i.e. lunch or walk around the block.
  5. Start each week by setting a CEO Date with yourself to review your week ahead (download a checklist).
  6. Book your non-negotiables into your calendar first – vacations, start and stop times; kids activities.
  7. Batch your work such as blog writing, and podcast recordings.
  8. Say NO – set boundaries – no email, no interruptions, no phone calls.
  9. Build in FREE time for reading, and personal development (successful CEOs read 1-2 books per week!! Did you know that Bill Gates reads around 50 books a year? He isn’t the only high-flying businessman who reads as though their life depends on it. Warren Buffett reads between 5-6 hours a day while Elon Musk reads 2 books per day. Do you see where I’m going with this? Successful people read. Reading is vital for personal growth. Oh, and it can also help you learn how to run, manage, and grow a successful business).

Which of these ‘rules’ have you already implemented?

Which one will you commit to implementing?


P.S. I didn’t do much reading this week… between hosting my client retreat and a family gathering we called Witchmas, there wasn’t much time! What did you read?

Here are other Diana written content on the subject:

  • Daily / Weekly Checklist (read here)
  • 5 Productivity Tips to Save You Time & Your Sanity (Ultimate Focus & Freedom Masterclass Day 4) (listen here)
Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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