by Diana Lidstone | Jul 4, 2023 | Blog Post
While there are 3 common strategies for getting more clients to grow your business, you’ll probably only use one at a time. In fact, you may be using one now and then decide you’d rather use a different approach in the future! Here are the 3 common ways for getting...
by Diana Lidstone | Jun 27, 2023 | Blog Post
It’s been a crazy week since we last chatted. You see an amazing opportunity to speak on a live stage, in front of 350+ business owners happened just 10 days before the event started. I was also offered a booth at the event. Was I nervous? Uncomfortable? Scared? HECK...
by Diana Lidstone | Jun 20, 2023 | Blog Post
When we see successful people like Oprah, we often think how lucky they are to have wealth and a lifestyle. But deep down, we know she wasn’t lucky – she worked hard for her success. She didn’t just work hard – she worked hard on what she was really good at –...
by Diana Lidstone | Jun 13, 2023 | Blog Post
“I’m so busy” are 3 little words that we often say in response to: How are you? How is business? Can you attend my _____? And so many other things. So why do we give that answer? Why is busyness causing stress that often leads to burnout? According to a study by...
by Diana Lidstone | Jun 6, 2023 | Blog Post
If you’ve been listening to my podcast for a while, you know that I’ve taken a strong stand … you don’t need social media to grow your business. It’s true – you don’t need to USE social media as a lead generation tool – a tool to attract clients. In a nutshell, what...
by Diana Lidstone | May 30, 2023 | Blog Post
A couple of weeks ago, I got an email from a former client who reached out asking for help – she was ‘in the weeds’! She was feeling overwhelmed and didn’t know what to do next. Can you guess her problem?… Marketing. Sound familiar? Although this client knows...