Tips & Strategies to
5 Simple Self-Care Tips for Entrepreneurs
When you start your own business, often the line between business and family life can become blurry! I’m betting that there is more than one night a week that you head back into your home office after dinner or once the kids get put to bed! I have a...
The stone cutter’s answer
There’s an old story about traveler who passed by 3 stone cutters. He asked the first stone cutter, “What are you doing?” The first stone cutter replied rather nonchalantly, I’m cutting stone! (as if what else do you think I’m doing!) The traveler...
3 Foolproof Steps to Achieve Every Goal
As many of you know, I’ve been a member of a mastermind for over three years! Almost every Friday morning, I get on the phone with my guy friends and we share our successes and challenges. Originally, there was another member of the group; however, he left...
Want success? Stop believing these myths!
The road to entrepreneurship success isn’t lined with unicorns and magical fairy dust! Sorry to burst your bubble! Certainly there are lots of opinions out there about what you need in your business to be successful; to reach 6-figures; or to help...
Growing a business is like growing a garden!
I’ve always loved gardening (and entrepreneurship). Gardening allows me to get my hands dirty and to touch nature! This past week I was listening to a gardener talk about her gardening business and it made me think about the similiarities between between...
5 Sabotaging Mindsets – that might be stopping you from growing your coaching biz (and how to shift them)
The itty bitty shitty committee (or your inner critic) often runs your life and your business!Perhaps the Committee is your mom (or father) criticizing you; telling you that you’re not good enough’ or it’s your grandmother who raised you telling you that there are...
Is your WHY powerful enough to succeed?
Imagine a 30 foot plank of wood, 6 inches wide, on the ground. If someone offered you $20 to walk the plank, you’d probably say yes! It would seem easy right? Now if we took that same plank and used it to bridge between 2 houses, 30 feet in the air,...
3 Simple Shifts to Earn More Money in your biz
(and it's NOT about your process -- it's about results)As I’m preparing to head to Toronto this week to speak to a group of wellness entrepreneurs, I decided to create a new signature talk. I was thinking about the #1 thing that has helped my clients to...
5 Simple Steps to Make More Money
Over the last month I've met more than 100 small business owners who confess that they work WAY too hard for the amount of money that they make! Perhaps you were one of those whom I met recently in Montreal or Ottawa's SHIFT! Now if you make more than...
Working too hard for clients?
You work really, really hard to get your leads, prospects and clients. You go to networking events two to three times a month. You gather piles of business cards. You prepare posts for social media and then spend time posting them. Perhaps...