Tips & Strategies to

5 Simple Steps to Make More Money

Over the last month I've met more than 100 small business owners who confess that they work WAY too hard for the amount of money that they make!  Perhaps you were one of those whom I met recently in Montreal or Ottawa's SHIFT!  Now if you make more than...

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Working too hard for clients?

You work really, really hard to get your leads, prospects and clients.  You go to networking events two to three times a month.  You gather piles of business cards.  You prepare posts for social media and then spend time posting them.  Perhaps...

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Embrace Your Inner Entrepreneur

As a small business owner, I’m a specialist in growth strategies.  Strategies might include marketing, planning, setting goals, creating a road map etc.However, most entrepreneurs don't realize that what's holding them back from success isn't their strategies and...

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Insanity is ….

It’s 10 days until my 11th live event.  ELEVEN!!!  I remember the first time I held my live event!  I was so friggin scared! Three months previously, I decided I wanted to shift my business to attract more clients. I knew I had to stop doing the...

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Easy Peasy NINJA Marketing Shift!

Why all the fuss about networking lately?  When done well, networking is a powerful marketing strategy and it’s one of the easiest strategies to implement!  It's the best testing ground for your marketing message AND it doesn't require any frustrating...

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Is your marketing working?

Are you struggling to get a return on investment on your marketing? Find marketing frustrating and overwhelming?  Tired of not attracting clients? Can't figure out why you aren't attracting high-paying clients? Wish your message was magnetizing high-revenue clients?...

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Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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My 5-part training series has been designed to bring you complete clarity on how to reduce your workload to free up 10+ hours a week in your business without hiring more staff!

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