What’s your vision for your business in 2020?

Do you want to go from $100,000 to $500,000?

Do you want to ‘scale’ from $500,000 to $5 million

Do you want to leap from $5 million to $10 million?

It’s cause for celebration if you’ve made that massive decision to scale because it means…..

It means

  • You’re done with the hustle and grind of entrepreneurship … and it’s time you had a real plan for more entrepreneurial ease and joy.
  • You know it’s time to stop being Chief EVERYTHING Officer and start showing up in your business as a true CEO.
  • You’re committed to taking massive action towards making 2020 your best year ever.

OR ARE YOU STUCK in indecision?  If you don’t make a decision to change, that’s okay but …

  • How long will you stay stuck at the same level?
  • Will you feel overwhelmed because every single business decision must be made by you?
  • Will you feel exhausted with your endless To-Do Lists?
  • Will you feel saddened that you can’t spend more time with family and friends?

Your life and your business can be different … it’s your decision and I’m with you either way.

If you’ve been following me for any length of time, you’ll know that I talk about the 4 stages of business growth (Growmeter video here) and that for each stage of business growth there are new skills you have to learn.  Each stage certainly has its challenges but the biggest challenge is to actually move through these stages and not stay paralyzed.

Here’s the reality …. What got you to where you are now, won’t get you to the next level.  In other words, the strategies and tactics you’ve been using to get you where you are now (whether it’s stage 1, or 2) won’t take you to the CEO level.

CEO stage is where you have a dedicated team making decisions based on your systems and your vision.  CEO is the stage where you are no longer the bottleneck of your business; where you get to take vacations without worrying about your business; and where the business continues to make money even without you.

Why do so many small business owners feel stuck and stay stuck?  Just think about your Monday morning…. You probably arrived at work with a great plan, whether it was for the day or the week, but suddenly, that plan went out the window.  Instantly you went from CEO to firefighter putting out fires and solving one crisis after another.

Or perhaps you’re living from your To-Do list wondering if this will give you the LEAP you want for your business but the list never seems to end.  Working harder isn’t the answer … you have to let go of some things.

Or perhaps you’re nervous about trying something different?  Your old habits are easy to continue but trying something new feels uncomfortable, so you stick with the old.

I know from experience and from supporting other clients that it’s often very difficult, almost impossible, to see where you’re stuck in your own business – it takes an objective eye to help you sort out challenges with respect to product, marketing, sales, team and mindset!

So, here’s my question to you … IS IT TIME TO STOP WINGING IT?

Is it time to stop doing what you’ve been doing?

When you scale – it’s time to re-structure; to use creativity; to create additional streams of revenue; to hire new team members; to create systems and to create 24/7 sales and marketing.

Are you ready?  I’m sure you are!

That’s why I’ve created a new way to support small business owners who are ready to scale – who are ready to

  • scale from glorified employee to CEO (Chief Executive Officer).
  • throw out some of the old habits even though it might be somewhat uncomfortable.
  • immerse themselves in creativity.
  • realize that one of the biggest mistakes they’ve made is not taking time to step away from their business to create their roadmap.

If this sounds like something you’d like to accomplish in 2020, then I invite you to apply for CEO MASTERMIND!

CEO Mastermind is where the benefits of mastermind meet the benefits of mentoring and ongoing support!

Applications for CEO MASTERMIND are open until December 24, 2019 (here) and the program begins January 31, 2020.  The program is limited to a maximum of 6 established business owners!

This isn’t a program for you if:

  • You’re a business newbie.
  • You see the time away from the office as too much of a compromise.
  • You don’t value masterminding with other growth minded business owners.
  • The financial investment will be a burden.

Imagine, being able to scale so that:

  • You could add a month of free time.
  • You loved your business once again.
  • You worked only with clients you loved.
  • You added another revenue stream.
  • You stopped being the best-kept secret in your industry.

That’s what I want for you.  For you to tap into that dream you had when you started your business …. And then dream even bigger!

I know you can do this!



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