by Diana Lidstone | Mar 15, 2021 | Blog Post, Content, marketing, planning
Have you ever sat in front of your computer, staring at the blank screen, wondering what to write… (please tell me that I’m not alone). If you are anything like I was a few years ago, my inner self said things like… I just don’t know what to talk (write) about…...
by Diana Lidstone | Mar 8, 2021 | Blog Post, Content, marketing
Earlier last year as the pandemic elevated; when the travel business shut down; when hotels closed; when retail store owners cried …… and as many speakers lost all of their business – it became grossly apparent that the worst number in business was ….. one! When...
by Diana Lidstone | Mar 1, 2021 | Blog Post, Business Vision, marketing
It’s hard to believe that it’s almost been a year since the world changed! I’m not sure how your world has changed but I know for many business owners it’s a whole new ball game. It also means that the way we do marketing NOW is so different than a year ago! If you...
by Diana Lidstone | Feb 15, 2021 | Blog Post, Content, marketing
Do you remember your first website building experience? I remember mine. I asked around at my networking events for a referral for a web designer. After interviewing 3 different ones, I finally sat down with Scott to talk web design. I was so excited …. Soon I...
by Diana Lidstone | Jan 25, 2021 | Blog Post, Business Vision, marketing, planning
There’s this unwritten rule in business… Whatever revenue-generating activities (RGA) you did 90 days ago… impacts your cash flow today! In other words – whatever cash came into your business this week is likely determined by what you did 90 days ago! So, if you have...
by Diana Lidstone | Jan 18, 2021 | Blog Post, Business Vision, marketing
Sometimes the universe has to hit me over the head with its messages before I notice them! In the past, I haven’t always listened to the hints it’s been giving me. Here’s an example of what I mean…. Last fall, I won a $500 coaching session with a master storyteller...