Tips & Strategies to
You have a superpower, but are you maximizing it?
At a weekly networking event in 2014, I met a young woman who made social media look… well so easy! She offered to help several of us set up our Facebook page when none of us knew really how to use the platform. And she did it for FREE! You see to her …. Social...
Was it a success or failure?
Last week, after much deliberating, pondering, procrastination, editing and hen-scratching, I finally wrote the ‘About’ page for my new website. (And as many of you know, your website About page really isn’t about you but it’s about your clients). I finally wrote...
What to do when you need more customers?
Perhaps this is you or perhaps you’ve heard from your business friends that their business has more than once … plateaued ... stalled. Sales have flatlined Prospects aren’t a good fit The owner feels as though they are spinning their wheels Need more customers And all...
Two Types of Learning That Keep Successful Entrepreneurs at the Top of Their Game
Busy entrepreneurs often have trouble carving out time for anything but putting out fires in their business. It’s easy to ‘walk into the office’ on Monday morning only to have to deal with a bunch of emergencies and a long to-do list! Can you relate? But to stay top...
Not all successes are successful!
As we come to the end of Q1, I was reflecting on whether I was truly fulfilling my 2022 vision of ‘aspiring to inspire’. Then yesterday I received an email reminding me of a podcast where I was a guest. The whole purpose of the podcast is to share how we had overcome...
How to add another zero to your income
To add another zero to your income means increasing your impact and your revenue in a big way. Going from 5-figures to 6-figures or from 6-figures to 7-figures involves getting more customers – or at least better-paying customers. But it can also lead to overwhelm...
How to Crush Your Lead Generation?
In the late 1990’s I owned a small retail store in a small town. But perhaps what you didn’t know is that the first 5 years of growing that business were really, really tough. The store was actually an old house set back from the road with a rather long walkway from...
She disappeared from social media
Last week I was thinking about content for future podcast/blogs, and thought about doing a series on sales. I knew the exact person I wanted to invite as a guest. I reached out to this coaching colleague by email and while I waited for an answer, I checked out her...
You can live your fullest life possible NOW
When my husband retired last January, I knew it was time to change some things in my business so we could spend more time together. I was worried that my business would be the sole/soul focus and not our lifestyle. Questions arose like: In order to free up more time,...
Why Should They Choose You?
Why should your prospects choose you over your competition? Why should they do business with you?What do you do?What makes you different? It’s really all the same question. How easily & effectively can you answer that question….? Actually, it’s probably the most...