Tips & Strategies to
YIKES – that 4-letter word?
Yup - it's already June .... yes, that means that 2017 is half finished. It also means that you still have the next six months to reach that revenue goal you set for yourself for 2017.Let's take a moment and think back to the beginning of the year when you were...
Pricing Your Programs/Offerings Confusing?
Pricing your programs/offerings is often confusing for 'transformational' entrepreneurs such as coaches, healers and other service-based professional. Here's the first tip -- it has nothing to do with how your colleagues price their programs or how your...
Why hit the road?
It's not always the journey that's important but how you look at your business when you return!This past week I attended a 3-day business conference in Atlanta -- learning and connecting with others. It was amazing. I learned tons of new material and made...
8 Killer Mistakes to Avoid in your Elevator Speech
Introducing yourself quickly & effectively can sometimes feel awkward. You don't want to bore the person; you don't want to come across as salesy but you do want to start a conversation (not end it!).With some practice, you can avoid the following mistakes....
Do you want to 2x or 3x your sales?
Now before you say .... that's impossible.... IT IS POSSIBLE when you believe it, commit to it; work on the right activities; and get into the right actions! In fact, many of my clients have doubled or tripled their sales as members of the ACHIEVER's CLUB.Now I...
3 C’s of Marketing
In order to get results from your marketing strategy, you need to have CLARITY, CONSISTENCY and CALLS TO ACTION (CTA) -- 3 C's! Let's see if you have all three?CLARITYWhen someone asks what you do, and you give your answer -- do they look confused or do they...
Playing Big or Small?
Are you 'playing' to your fullest potential? Using your strengths to the fullest? Or is something holding you back? This past weekend, I had the opportunity to speak at Pierrette Raymond's InPower Retreat about 'living fully.' So I...
Make Sales Easier
In a recent survey of attendees at my SHIFT event, sales skills proved to be the #1 biggest challenge facing the majority of entrepreneurs!! One of the easiest ways to close more sales is to increase your credibility and you can do that through the use...
Leaving Money on the Table?
One of the fastest (and easiest) ways to create more cash in your business is to ..... FOLLOW-UP!! And it's one of the strategies that most entrepreneurs don't do!! That means if you are the only one to follow-up --- you stand out!!!How many times do you...
3 Tips for BEST EVER Web Copy
Now you know that I'm not a web designer or a web expert. I'm not even an expert at copy writing! However, I can give you a couple of great tips that for BEST EVER web copy based on:basic good marketing skills and"Web Copy That Sells" (a great book by...