Tips & Strategies to

OMG … I can’t see!

The fog was so thick ... I couldn't see the road!  Years go, I was traveling from Montreal to Nova Scotia to visit my sister between Christmas and New Years on a twisty, windy road. Suddenly the fog was so thick, we couldn't see the road in front of us ... never...

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Just ONE thing

As I hit my desk on Monday morning I was totally overwhelmed.... paper everywhere; a To-Do list a mile long; new ideas for projects .... where to begin?Sound familiar???  I totally understand.  So I STOPPED, did some deep breathing and asked the following...

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My Website Dilemma!

Revamping my website was one of my Desired Results for 2017 -- it's #3 on my list posted on my wall.  However,  it's a big project and one that I've been procrastinating about (of course, you don't have any projects like that -- do you??).If we want to...

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YIKES – that 4-letter word?

Yup - it's already June .... yes, that means that 2017 is half finished.  It also means that you still have the next six months to reach that revenue goal you set for yourself for 2017.Let's take a moment and think back to the beginning of the year when you were...

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Why hit the road?

It's not always the journey that's important but how you look at your business when you return!This past week I attended a 3-day business conference in Atlanta -- learning and connecting with others.  It was amazing.  I learned tons of new material and made...

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Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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