Tips & Strategies to
6 Marketing Must-Haves (to skyrocket your sales – without a big wad of money)
Ever really looked at a Julia Child's cookbook? It was all the rave to have one when my kids were young. But I found it sooo overwhelming that I threw mine out! Everything in that cookbook seemed to be so complicated and take so many steps! I don't really...
OMG … I can’t see!
The fog was so thick ... I couldn't see the road! Years go, I was traveling from Montreal to Nova Scotia to visit my sister between Christmas and New Years on a twisty, windy road. Suddenly the fog was so thick, we couldn't see the road in front of us ... never...
Just ONE thing
As I hit my desk on Monday morning I was totally overwhelmed.... paper everywhere; a To-Do list a mile long; new ideas for projects .... where to begin?Sound familiar??? I totally understand. So I STOPPED, did some deep breathing and asked the following...
Client-Attracting Mistakes You Don’t Know You’re Making….
Over the last several months, I've kept trying to 'up-date' my website! I had great intentions. I tried this, then that -- and nothing seems to be just right. I even had someone start the project. But something wasn't quite right -- so I...
My Website Dilemma!
Revamping my website was one of my Desired Results for 2017 -- it's #3 on my list posted on my wall. However, it's a big project and one that I've been procrastinating about (of course, you don't have any projects like that -- do you??).If we want to...
YIKES – that 4-letter word?
Yup - it's already June .... yes, that means that 2017 is half finished. It also means that you still have the next six months to reach that revenue goal you set for yourself for 2017.Let's take a moment and think back to the beginning of the year when you were...
Pricing Your Programs/Offerings Confusing?
Pricing your programs/offerings is often confusing for 'transformational' entrepreneurs such as coaches, healers and other service-based professional. Here's the first tip -- it has nothing to do with how your colleagues price their programs or how your...
Why hit the road?
It's not always the journey that's important but how you look at your business when you return!This past week I attended a 3-day business conference in Atlanta -- learning and connecting with others. It was amazing. I learned tons of new material and made...
8 Killer Mistakes to Avoid in your Elevator Speech
Introducing yourself quickly & effectively can sometimes feel awkward. You don't want to bore the person; you don't want to come across as salesy but you do want to start a conversation (not end it!).With some practice, you can avoid the following mistakes....
Do you want to 2x or 3x your sales?
Now before you say .... that's impossible.... IT IS POSSIBLE when you believe it, commit to it; work on the right activities; and get into the right actions! In fact, many of my clients have doubled or tripled their sales as members of the ACHIEVER's CLUB.Now I...