Tips & Strategies to
Why you shouldn’t do _____ alone?
You shouldn't be trying to build or grow your business on your own! There - I've said it! And this week, I reminded myself again why I have a business coach!!This coming Wednesday, I'm an exhibitor at the Ottawa International Women's Day event AND...
How to take the headache out of getting a constant flow of prospects!
Many small businesses owners scratch their heads; hold their heads in disbelief; and constantly worry about having a continual flow of prospects (that they can then nurture into clients). It's one of the biggest complaints I hear about.And yet -- when I ask ......
7 Shocking Reasons Your Marketing Isn’t Working
As small business owners, we have small (almost minute) budgets for marketing! So when our marketing doesn't work, we get frustrated (been there, done that, sent the postcard). So recently when I was asked to give a 30-minute talk on marketing, I thought...
7 Puzzle Pieces of Your Outrageously Successful Small Business
Last spring while I was coaching a group, I realized that although marketing was a key component of building a successful business -- it was only ONE of the puzzle pieces that clients found themselves struggling to put together! Not only do coaches, consultants,...
Imagine if ….
Imagine if your business was your car (play with me a little here). Take a moment and let's go on a little journey.You've got to go to the store. You grab your keys & purse, put on your coat, get into your car. Sit in the seat and get...
#1 Secret Weapon to Achieving Your Goals
Recently I was asked to give a presentation to a networking group about HOW small business owners could improve their chances of achieving the goals they had set for themselves for 2017! Originally I thought -- that sounds easy! And I started to create my...
7 Deadly Sins of Follow-Up
7 Deadly Sins of Follow-Up --- That was the name of the very first workshop I ever held!!! And FOLLOW-UP is still one of the most important elements of your marketing campaign.Did you know that at one time it was said that it took up to 12 'touches' before...
Are We There Yet?
Do you remember your kids impatiently asking .... are we there yet? are we there yet? And yet it seemed that you just started the journey! (Or if you don't have children, I bet you asked your parents???).Well, I hear small business owners saying the...
4 Ingredients for your RECIPE for Biz Success
I not a chef and in fact, I actually don't like cooking!! However as a mother of 2 and a wife, cooking family dinners fell on my shoulders for 30+ years. So I guess it gives me the 'right' to talk a little about recipes and cooking as an analogy to building your...
Where will your biz be Dec 31 2017???
If you're like me, you want your biz to look VERY different in one year's time! You want more customers -- but more of the right kind of customers; you want more money (profit) in your pocket; and yet you don't want to be working evenings and weekends. Am...