Tips & Strategies to
Guilt-free vacations are necessary for business owners
Everybody’s thinking about summer vacations these days! The warm, sunny weather is here. The kids are off school! The pool is ready and our minds are thinking – yippee – time off. But as a business owner, vacation time can come with some problems. As a...
3 ways to improve the success of your marketing plan
The success of your marketing plan is really based on one thing – implementation. You see marketing plans come and go. Some are successful – others not so much. You can build an elaborate marketing plan (or have one built for you) or a simple one but, either way, its...
How to avoid costly marketing errors and make every dollar count
Knowing where to spend marketing dollars and marketing time is one of the biggest concerns for small business owners. It’s easy to watch the big guys (Coke, Tide, Ford, etc.) spend big money on big ads that are really only about brand awareness and think that you...
How to ramp up your business profits regularly
It’s now June!!! And I’m sure you know what that means … we are more than halfway through the year. It’s the time of year when CEOs set aside their busy schedules and really examine their business numbers. They review their metrics and make adjustments to the...
Is social media really essential to getting clients?
It’s become widely accepted that business owners MUST be on social media if they want to ‘get clients’. HOGWASH!!! You do NOT need to be using social media to get clients! Now before I go further, I want to be honest that in the past, I drank the Kool-Aid! I...
How to know it might be time to hire a business coach
In the world of business development there’s so much ‘you just need this ONE thing’ thinking. You know what I mean – you just need Instagram Reels, you just need to grow your list; you just need this one thing!!! By now, you’ve probably figured out that if that ‘ONE...
3 ways to boost sales significantly this month without new clients!
“My sales exploded this month!” (said my client). “I just about doubled my revenue this month” (said me). “It’s so easy!” (said another client). So, you might ask…. What was the cause of these increases??? It wasn’t a price increase! It wasn’t acquiring new clients!...
If you don’t make these decisions now, you’ll hate yourself later
During a coaching session last week, I helped the frustrated and busy owner of an agency set up a structure in his business to help him find ‘time’ to accomplish some of the things that were driving him crazy that he couldn’t seem to get done. He couldn’t seem to...
Is your business solving a meaningful problem?
Here’s the honest truth… before you build your website… before you write your business plan… before post on social media… before you create your lead generation funnel… before you write a blog post… You must know the PROBLEM that your perfect fit client wants to be...
How to separate yourself from the competition
It’s shocking that statistics show that most businesses fail before their 5th anniversary! With all the information out there on Google, YouTube and from various sources, it has always puzzled me why this continues to happen. It’s not because the service (program or...