Tips & Strategies to
It’s NOT your fault!
I’m not making enough money! I don’t have enough customers! What’s wrong with me? Ever said those things to yourself? I’ve often heard these comments from entrepreneurs! I feel so bad for them because they feel frustrated and stuck despite the fact that...
3 Simple Steps to Break Free From Feast-Famine Cycle
$22,000.00 79% of Canadian self employed people earn less than $22,000 in income (Stats Canada 2005). That’s below the poverty line (according to CTV, September 13, 2017, the low income measure in Canada for single person is $22,133). Paints a rather bleak picture –...
5 Big Pricing Mistakes Guaranteed to Hurt Your Biz
Ah pricing!!! For many of you, the whole topic of pricing and money is something that you never thought you’d have to deal with when you first started your business. After all you just wanted to help people. However to be a successful coach/consultant you have to be...
2 Ways that SELF-DOUBT is killing your profits!
....I’m not good enough ....I couldn’t possibly charge that amount for my services ....I don’t like to SELL because that means being pushy ....I don’t want to bother customers with follow up ....I don’t need to be seen; I can just sit behind my computer...
6 Powerful Secrets to overcome your fear of public speaking
TRUTH … if you’re a coach or consultant and you aren’t out ‘speaking’ about your business; you're halting your business growth! If you had told me this 4 years ago, I have argued with you STRONGLY because I couldn’t stand in front of a group of 10 for 20 minutes...
5 SURE-FIRE WEBSITE SECRETS for ongoing sales
Today every business has a website of one sort or another! A website can tell you a lot about a company or person! If you’ve spent much time on the internet, you can probably quickly identify a site that ‘looks’ old or isn’t mobile friendly and to me that indicates...
How to write amazing blogs: 5 Step Quick & Easy Guide
Clients often ask me “So, what do I write about in my blog?” And that’s exactly what happened last week in the Achiever’s Club when a member asked – “so how do I know what to write about in my blogs? I never know what to say”. So I wanted to help her and I replied –...
My #1 Strategy to work smarter, not harder
Perhaps you’re a little like me – you come from a generation where it was drilled into us that in order to be successful financially, we had to work hard!!!? For many years, that ‘myth’ held me back and actually led me to a burn out. I don’t want that for you and I...
I know you’re busy … the kids are finishing school and there's always a lot going on during that transition period. Many of you are also planning your summer vacation. But I’m hoping you’ll get a cup of tea or coffee or a glass of wine and give this...
17 Successful Strategies to Gain INSTANT Credibility in your marketing!
For the last 2 weeks, I’ve been sharing how to include effective testimonials in your marketing. This week, I’d like to share some interesting strategies to add more credibility to your marketing from a podcast I listened to! Regarding social proof...