Tips & Strategies to
6 Massive Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Newsletter
Welcome back friends. This is the 3rd in the 'newsletter' series which I trust is giving you the motivation and inspiration to get into action to create your own newsletter (if you are telling me that you don't have time, we'll address that later too!)....
3 Things A Newsletter IS NOT!
Last week I outlined the 5 reasons why every business needs a newsletter (click here). When discussing newsletter with clients, I find that there is often confusion about what exactly is a newsletter. So here is what a newsletter IS NOT. 1. A...
5 Reasons Why EVERY Business Should Have A Newsletter
I'll be honest! I'm on a bit of a rampage -- why wouldn't every business owner want to keep in touch with his clients and nurture his relationship with prospects? So what am I going to do about it? Today starts a series of blog posts about writing a...
Do you have a plan to build your biz this summer?
That's right .... do you have a plan? Or are you like hundreds of other small business owners & professionals who are leaving their summer growth to .... LADY LUCK?Believe me - you can take time off from your business during the summer; go on vacation, and...
Quickest Way to 100 or 1000 Customers
Let's face it -- if you are in business, you need customers. You get some customers; then some leave; so you need more. It's just business. But the 64,000 dollar question is how to get them so that they just keep rolling in? How can...
Babbling brook or smooth flowing stream?
Are you more like a babbling brook that jumps and dodges over rocks OR a smooth flowing, almost effortless stream? Have you ever considered .... What's your energy like? More importantly, how do others see you? How do you clients see you? Over the past...
Tossing & Turning at 2 am?
If you are like most entrepreneurs & professions, if you are tossing & turning at 2 am, it's likely that you are trying to figure out how to grow your business. Creating a sustainable stream of incoming customers is one way to feel more confident...
Give your biz the elements to grow!
Everything grows in the right conditions! Flowers need warmth, water and air! But when it comes to our businesses, sometimes, we make things so complicated! We over think things; we worry; we make mountains out of mole hills. And sometimes...
Make Videos – 5 things you need!
Several months ago, I wrote a checklist "Cardinal Rules of Entrepreneurship". When I recently reviewed it, I was shocked to see that it was missing a key element -- keeping in touch with prospects and past clients!!! How could I have forgotten...
5 Basics You Need to Build & Grow Your Email List
After reading last week's blog post about why it's important to build an email list, you've now committed to creating an email list to keep in touch with your clients because you understand that business is about building...