Tips & Strategies to

Selling Made Simple

Selling Made Simple

My hubby & I have snow tires on our vehicles – so every spring hubby takes the car to the garage to have the tires changed and to have a tire alignment.  WHY?  Because when the tires aren’t balanced properly or aligned, they wobble, cause an uneven ride and wear...

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One Thing Not to Stop !

One Thing Not to Stop !

It’s a crazy topsy-turvy world out there!  Over the last week, we’ve seen the world and business turn upside down.  And while we’ve never experienced anything quite like this, I feel reassured that yes … everything will be alright!  Every day the sun rises after it...

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Ever Had a Flat Tire?

Ever Had a Flat Tire?

If you’ve ever had a flat tire, you know that it causes your car to give you a very bumpy and uneven ride.  You feel as though you’ve lost control.  You have to pull over to the side of the road and stop. Well – imagine your business is that tire.  Suddenly instead of...

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How You Can Get Noticed

How You Can Get Noticed

Apparently today most people are exposed to between 3,000 to 30,000 commercial messages PER DAY!  Between social media, our email inboxes, text messaging and commercials on television – there is a non-stop barrage of messages ‘selling’ something! So how do...

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Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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