Tips & Strategies to

8 Simple Things To STOP Immediately

As solo-entrepreneurs, most of us don't have anyone looking over our shoulder making sure that we accomplish our work load!  There's no corporate ninja l; there's no boss waiting for the work or keeping us to a deadline.  It's just us - alone.  That's...

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7 Ways You Might Be Repelling Money

Money is often considered a 'dirty' word!  In fact, it seems we would often rather talk about death, sex or taxes before we talk about money!!!  Don't despair if you don't like talking about money -- you aren't alone (that's one reason why I'm holding...

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5 Tips to Stand Out in Your Market

Dominos pizza went from a little-known pizza startup to the number one pizza chain in the world seemingly overnight because they promised "Fresh Hot Pizza in 30 Minutes or Else It's Free" on all deliveries.  FedEx claims ... "when it absolutely, positively, must...

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Tips to GROW your marketing muscle

It's funny -- when you think you have nothing to write about -- bam!  I got an inspiration yesterday by reading the Costco Magazine that actually had not one but 2 articles on how to 'grow your marketing muscle'. The first one was about websites and how...

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A slimy car salesman?

Just those words -- slimy car salesman -- don't they bring up a vivid picture!  Does it make your skin crawl?  I'm sure it brings up negative emotion!Okay.  Now when I say the words .... marketing.  How do you feel? What emotions come to mind?...

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#1 Marketing Rule

There's lots of 'secrets', 'guidelines' and 'rules' when it comes to business and marketing.  You can call it what you want -- but if you don't get this particular rule right ... nothing works!I'm sure you will recognize it.  You create what you think...

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5 Smart Ways to Keep the Money Flowing

MONEY.  It comes in and goes out!  But sometimes it seems difficult to keep the money flowing INTO our businesses on a consistent basis.So let's do a little exercise -- stop whatever your are doing and spend 15 minutes to examine how your clients come to...

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The Athlete’s Secret

Okay - I'll admit it!!!  Over the weekend, I caught the dreaded disease that stops entrepreneurs in their tracks .... OVERWHELM.  I tossed and turned; didn't sleep well; and generally worried.  You see I'm in the process of planning two rather large...

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Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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