Tips & Strategies to
Marketing Tweaks to Grow Your Small Business (Part 2)
Last week, we reviewed the concept of a leaky marketing bucket and how, with just a few tweaks, you could plug some of those leaks and actually retain more prospects. Specifically, we addressed how you have to stay TOP OF MIND with your prospects otherwise they forget...
Marketing Tweaks to Grow Your Small Business (Part 1)
What is marketing? A colleague of mine describes it simply as problem-solving! Meaning that your marketing, more specifically your marketing message, should do 4 things: Clearly identify the problem you solve. Paint a picture of how much better life becomes once that...
Is it Groundhog Day in your small business?
You all know the classic 1993 movie Groundhog Day starring Bill Murray, where Murray plays a weatherman who is caught in an endless time loop where he repeatedly relives the same day!!! I hate to say it, but I see this often with small business owners. They seem to...
A Story of Ruin and Success
This past weekend, I had the good fortune to attend a workshop hosted by someone who shared his story of ruin and success. It goes something like this… Upon graduating from university Greg went to work in his father’s business. Eventually his father said: Greg buy...
How You Can Get Noticed
Apparently today most people are exposed to between 3,000 to 30,000 commercial messages PER DAY! Between social media, our email inboxes, text messaging and commercials on television – there is a non-stop barrage of messages ‘selling’ something! So how do...
Color Trends, Fashion Trends, Marketing Trends?
I love home decorating and renovation. I buy the magazines and watch all the HGTV shows. If you’re anything like me, you know that every year the magazines talk about what THE new colour for 2020. Can you guess what it is this year? It’s similar with...
What my 20 year old daughter taught me…
When my daughter was in her late teens, she was bedridden with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). It was utterly devastating to see this once vibrant, smart, super-active young woman held hostage by this condition. However, this isn’t a story about her rise...
Why is Content Creation Like Dating?
Welcome back to the third in the December series about scorecards or measuring what matters in your business. This week it’s all about CONTENT! You’ve heard it before (and not just from me) that CONTENT is king! But perhaps you’re really wondering what...
Are You Fooling Yourself?
I hope you enjoyed the story of my grandmother Edith in last week’s blog (here). Welcome back to the second in the December series about scorecards and measuring what matters in your business. This week it’s all about where you spend your time!!! There...
My Grandmother Edith…why did she take so many pictures?
My Grandmother Edith always took family pictures at holidays and special events. Whether it was Easter, Christmas or someone’s birthday, she had us line up and she took a picture of the family. We all hated the picture taking sessions, but it made her...