Tips & Strategies to
Embrace Your Inner Entrepreneur
As a small business owner, I’m a specialist in growth strategies. Strategies might include marketing, planning, setting goals, creating a road map etc.However, most entrepreneurs don't realize that what's holding them back from success isn't their strategies and...
Insanity is ….
It’s 10 days until my 11th live event. ELEVEN!!! I remember the first time I held my live event! I was so friggin scared! Three months previously, I decided I wanted to shift my business to attract more clients. I knew I had to stop doing the...
Easy Peasy NINJA Marketing Shift!
Why all the fuss about networking lately? When done well, networking is a powerful marketing strategy and it’s one of the easiest strategies to implement! It's the best testing ground for your marketing message AND it doesn't require any frustrating...
3 Powerful Tips to Make Networking Easier and attract more clients!
Networking is one of the simplest marketing strategies you can use to grow your business! It doesn't require any complicated sales funnels; no frustrating technology; and no paid advertising and YET so many entrepreneurs seem to lack good networking skills -- yes,...
3 Colossal reasons you might be struggling to attract enough clients
I hear it almost every single day from entrepreneurs .... I don't understand.... I'm really, really busy but I'm still not getting clients; I'm so frustrated ... I'm going to networking event after networking event and I still don't have enough clients; Am I stupid? ...
5 Proven Reasons SPONSORSHIP can explode your business!
I've been including this marketing tactic for years in my business! It positions me in front of other people's tribe and it has proven over and over again to bring more clients and more credibility to my business. What is it? Sponsorship at other people's...
Is your marketing working?
Are you struggling to get a return on investment on your marketing? Find marketing frustrating and overwhelming? Tired of not attracting clients? Can't figure out why you aren't attracting high-paying clients? Wish your message was magnetizing high-revenue clients?...
Passive Income — it’s the answer, right?
As you know, each week I write to you with questions and answers that have cropped up not just in my business but with clients just like you! Over the last couple of weeks, several clients have been asking for my feedback on creating online courses because they want...
The ONLY reason you’re in business!
You got into business to help people!! Right? To help people solve their problem! To make a difference in the world! But here's the thing .... you are in business! Being in business means that you are not only helping people, getting great results with your clients...
What’s the QUESTION you need to ask?
Successful entrepreneurs have FOCUS. As Robin Sharma says, successful people are monomaniacally focused ... focus with obsession! What that means is that the focus all their efforts, everything, on accomplishing one goal! YUP one, not 3, not 4 but...