Tips & Strategies to
What if …..
What if you could start your business over tomorrow? What if it was a brand new slate? What if tomorrow was a brand new day and you could change ANYTHING in your business?What would you change? Would you stop 'hunting' for new clients?Would you stand...
I believe in …..
HONESTY -- that's why sometimes I hand out a little tough love! If you've ever worked with me, you know what I mean. If you haven't worked with me, know that I love every single one of my clients and believe in them to the moon and back. I just...
Networking — Fun & easy OR Salesy & Pushy
I hear things like this all the time from prospects and clients .....I hate networking .. it's just a bunch of salesy people pushing their business cards at youI hate networking ... nothing good comes out of it so I stopped going.I hate networking ... I never find any...
My Dream Dog, Your Dream Client: How are they the same?
Believe it or now, how I found my dream dog is the same process as how I find my dream clients.... Let me share for you ...For quite some time now my husband and I have been searching to adopt a dog. We knew what we wanted ... the breed (boxer-...
YES YOU CAN – completely SHIFT your business!
I read someone's email the other day that made me think .... so I wanted to ask you?Are you growing your business OR are you scaling your business?Often the 2 words (grow and scale) are used interchangeably. But let me explain the difference! Of course,...
6 Marketing Must-Haves (to skyrocket your sales – without a big wad of money)
Ever really looked at a Julia Child's cookbook? It was all the rave to have one when my kids were young. But I found it sooo overwhelming that I threw mine out! Everything in that cookbook seemed to be so complicated and take so many steps! I don't really...
OMG … I can’t see!
The fog was so thick ... I couldn't see the road! Years go, I was traveling from Montreal to Nova Scotia to visit my sister between Christmas and New Years on a twisty, windy road. Suddenly the fog was so thick, we couldn't see the road in front of us ... never...
Just ONE thing
As I hit my desk on Monday morning I was totally overwhelmed.... paper everywhere; a To-Do list a mile long; new ideas for projects .... where to begin?Sound familiar??? I totally understand. So I STOPPED, did some deep breathing and asked the following...
Client-Attracting Mistakes You Don’t Know You’re Making….
Over the last several months, I've kept trying to 'up-date' my website! I had great intentions. I tried this, then that -- and nothing seems to be just right. I even had someone start the project. But something wasn't quite right -- so I...
My Website Dilemma!
Revamping my website was one of my Desired Results for 2017 -- it's #3 on my list posted on my wall. However, it's a big project and one that I've been procrastinating about (of course, you don't have any projects like that -- do you??).If we want to...