Tips & Strategies to

Perhaps I don’t say this enough!

I come from a family that didn't express much emotion either verbally or demonstratively.  Hugging or saying 'I love you' wasn't something I was taught from a young age!  It is something that I've had to learn (thank goodness for the patience of my husband...

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4-D’s of getting stuff done!

I blew a gasket this week -- yelled at my husband; threw something at the dog; and yup, broke down and cried!!!WHY?  Because I wasn't following my own advice and I had way to much on my plate.  Sometimes I think I'm super woman -- that I can do it all...

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Why networking fails!

My son works as a fishing guide and his goal is to have his clients to catch lots of fish.  If a client wants to catch salmon that means they have to go to where the salmon hang out; take the right fishing tackle; and in general, be prepared.  Otherwise --...

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Same Sh*t; Different Day

I'm sure that many of you have watched the movie 'Groundhog Day' where Bill Murray's character is stuck in a time loop that only he is aware of.  Regardless of what he does or how he behaves, he continues to wake up on Groundhog Day.  The movie made "The...

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I suck….

I used to hate it when my kids would use those 2 words but over the years I've gotten used to them (sort of!).  Here's what I know for sure ....  I suck at (amongst other things):staying on a dietconsistent exercisebelieving in myselfI used to suck...

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What if …..

What if you could start your business over tomorrow?  What if it was a brand new slate?  What if tomorrow was a brand new day and you could change ANYTHING in your business?What would you change? Would you stop 'hunting' for new clients?Would you stand...

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I believe in …..

HONESTY -- that's why sometimes I hand out a little tough love!  If you've ever worked with me, you know what I mean.  If you haven't worked with me, know that I love every single one of my clients and believe in them to the moon and back.  I just...

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Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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