Tips & Strategies to

What Makes Your BRAND?

What Makes Your BRAND?

I’ll confess… I’m not a branding expert but in the last 40 years as an entrepreneur and having invested heavily in my business development, I’ve learned a thing or two from some of the best in the world! One of those experts is Gerry Foster of Big Brand Formula and...

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Give Your Brand Some LOVE

Give Your Brand Some LOVE

Last week, I started a new podcast series entitled Love your brand… after all, February is the ‘love’ month! In the first episode, I shared that a remarkable brand is really your REPUTATION … it’s how people think about you when you aren’t in the room. However, is...

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Are You at High Risk of Burnout?

Are You at High Risk of Burnout?

The facts speak for themselves, many entrepreneurs suffer from burnout: 75% of entrepreneurs suffer from occasional or frequent burnout (Gallup) 1 in 3 live in depression 30% of entrepreneurs admit being burnt out 54% Canadian business women suffer from depression And...

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The Unhustle Culture

The Unhustle Culture

The word hustle has many meanings but when it comes to ‘the hustle culture’, Google tells me that it’s about the society belief that you have to work hard, every single day in order to earn a good living. Like many of you, I grew up with in a family environment where...

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The Most Successful CEOs Do This One Thing

The Most Successful CEOs Do This One Thing

I can almost hear you saying "Diana, I’m not a CEO so why should this topic interest me?". Well, my friend – you are a CEO! No matter if you’re a business of one (solopreneur) or you lead a team of subcontractors or a team of employees, I’m guessing that you’re the...

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Keep Your Business Planning SIMPLE!

Keep Your Business Planning SIMPLE!

It’s so easy to get caught up in all the hype around planning for the coming year! There are courses, webinars, workshops, etc. all promising to help you achieve success in 2024. However, in a recent December mastermind, we were urged to keep it simple. We were asked...

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My Holiday Wish For You…

My Holiday Wish For You…

From stringing lights to wrapping gifts, our to-do lists can seem endless at this time of year and it’s important we remember to enjoy the magic, good tidings and cheer this season is truly about. In our family, it’s all about making memories whether it’s around the...

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Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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