Tips & Strategies to

5 Smart Ways to Keep the Money Flowing

MONEY.  It comes in and goes out!  But sometimes it seems difficult to keep the money flowing INTO our businesses on a consistent basis.So let's do a little exercise -- stop whatever your are doing and spend 15 minutes to examine how your clients come to...

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The Athlete’s Secret

Okay - I'll admit it!!!  Over the weekend, I caught the dreaded disease that stops entrepreneurs in their tracks .... OVERWHELM.  I tossed and turned; didn't sleep well; and generally worried.  You see I'm in the process of planning two rather large...

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5 Rules to GROW by for 2016

I'm guessing that you would like 2016 to be a better year than 2015 for your business???  Here are 5 rules that will help you Grow, Prosper & Succeed in 2016!RULE #1 - Look ahead and concentrate on what's happening now.  It's true that it's good to...

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STUCK – The Most Common Reason

Lately I've been talking to a lot of you out there!  Between building a new network and the follow-up after Prosper, there's been lots of coffee dates and phone calls.  I'm seeing a lot of really smart women who are struggling to take their business to the...

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The OTHER 4-letter word!

I've discovered that there are several 4-letter words that many small business owners avoid .... today's 4-letter word is S-E-L-L.  Yes - for many, especially women, anything to do with 'selling' seems to be something to be avoided!  Whether it's the picture...

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5 Essential Elements of Your Biz

Building an award-winning business IS NOT a get rich-quick scheme!  In fact, the majority of people who start a business -- never finish.  They give up.  Do you have the strength & courage to work through the tough times?  Will you be one of...

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7 Steps for Getting What You Want

Do you set goals for yourself or your business?  Without goals you are like a mountain climber without a map, a championship hockey team without a playbook, or the driver of a car without a steering wheel!  In other words, you are severely limiting yourself...

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Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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My 5-part training series has been designed to bring you complete clarity on how to reduce your workload to free up 10+ hours a week in your business without hiring more staff!

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