Tips & Strategies to
5 Essential Elements of Your Biz
Building an award-winning business IS NOT a get rich-quick scheme! In fact, the majority of people who start a business -- never finish. They give up. Do you have the strength & courage to work through the tough times? Will you be one of...
3 ROAD BLOCKS that stop most people from achieving their goals
You probably set hundreds of goals? Perhaps thousands? But how many have you actually achieved? If you're like me, the second number is going to be a fraction of the first. Most often the things that stop us from achieving our goals, those road...
7 Steps for Getting What You Want
Do you set goals for yourself or your business? Without goals you are like a mountain climber without a map, a championship hockey team without a playbook, or the driver of a car without a steering wheel! In other words, you are severely limiting yourself...
10 Commandments for Greater Wealth (& Prosperity)
I recently re-read "Smart Women Finish Rich" by David Bach and it inspired me to write about some simple strategies that we can each do in our lives as we travel down the road to prosperity (and greater wealth). If you come up with more than 10 -- send me an...
If you can’t measure it; you can’t manage it!
That's a famous quote from Peter Drucker, father of modern marketing and often simplified down to 'measure what matters'. Whatever words are used, it's a good business practise! First - -what do you measure in your business? What do you use as a...
Sex and Money
That's right - sex and money! Two topics that most people hate talking about!!! As women, we know that men may often talk about sex (and money) but it's often bragging or story telling (sorry men!). But if you were like me, as little girls we grew up in...
Broccoli & Cheese Sauce for your biz
I love planning and organizing! In fact, I have learned to build successful businesses by making planning and organizing fun. However, I do understand that those 2 words often make business owners shake in their boots. For many creative & heart-centered...
Are these 4 reasons stopping you?
It's almost September and that means a lot of different things. Fall is in the air at night; children start back to school; and for entrepreneurs, it means that many are starting to ramp up their businesses after the summer. Many of my clients tell me that...
3 Must-Include Sections for your Newsletter
As I've been reading newsletters (and writing my own) over the years, I noticed that those newsletters that receive great engagement & effectiveness include three important sections. 1. Personal info - I'm sure that you have heard "people buy from...
4 Steps to Gain Clarity on your Reader
Happy August! Welcome to the continuation my series on writing a newsletter for your clients & prospects. If you are new the the GPS Community, check out the other blogs in the series including #1 -- 5 Reasons WHY every business must have a newsletter!...