Tips & Strategies to
5 Smart Ways to Keep the Money Flowing
MONEY. It comes in and goes out! But sometimes it seems difficult to keep the money flowing INTO our businesses on a consistent basis.So let's do a little exercise -- stop whatever your are doing and spend 15 minutes to examine how your clients come to...
The Athlete’s Secret
Okay - I'll admit it!!! Over the weekend, I caught the dreaded disease that stops entrepreneurs in their tracks .... OVERWHELM. I tossed and turned; didn't sleep well; and generally worried. You see I'm in the process of planning two rather large...
5 Rules to GROW by for 2016
I'm guessing that you would like 2016 to be a better year than 2015 for your business??? Here are 5 rules that will help you Grow, Prosper & Succeed in 2016!RULE #1 - Look ahead and concentrate on what's happening now. It's true that it's good to...
5 Easy Ways to Increase Your Productivity
I watched a video this morning that made me realize I've been doing a few things WRONG and that I could improve my productivity if I changed just a few small things! They aren't gigantic changes but easy things I believe we can all do. So I thought I would...
STUCK – The Most Common Reason
Lately I've been talking to a lot of you out there! Between building a new network and the follow-up after Prosper, there's been lots of coffee dates and phone calls. I'm seeing a lot of really smart women who are struggling to take their business to the...
The OTHER 4-letter word!
I've discovered that there are several 4-letter words that many small business owners avoid .... today's 4-letter word is S-E-L-L. Yes - for many, especially women, anything to do with 'selling' seems to be something to be avoided! Whether it's the picture...
The event is over — so why am I so busy?
PROSPER was a huge success and it was 12 days ago. A number of people suggested that I deserved a 'well-earned break' and that I should take some time off. Sounds like a wonderful idea. I spent countless hours in my office working late at night and...
5 Essential Elements of Your Biz
Building an award-winning business IS NOT a get rich-quick scheme! In fact, the majority of people who start a business -- never finish. They give up. Do you have the strength & courage to work through the tough times? Will you be one of...
3 ROAD BLOCKS that stop most people from achieving their goals
You probably set hundreds of goals? Perhaps thousands? But how many have you actually achieved? If you're like me, the second number is going to be a fraction of the first. Most often the things that stop us from achieving our goals, those road...
7 Steps for Getting What You Want
Do you set goals for yourself or your business? Without goals you are like a mountain climber without a map, a championship hockey team without a playbook, or the driver of a car without a steering wheel! In other words, you are severely limiting yourself...