Tips & Strategies to
Fastest Path to Cash is…..
There's a lot of advice out there about how to get new clients. There's checklists about growing your email list; building a facebook group; using FB live.... you know - the list goes on. However, all of those strategies take time and sometimes you need...
Employee, Manager or CEO?
You're brilliant at what you do! But do you ever feel like there are so many entrepreneurial activities that you should be doing that you just don’t know where to focus your time, energy or money? When you’re working so hard in your business, it’s easy to...
Be A Specialist & Be Paid Better!
What’s your top priority for growing your business for 2019? If you’re like most of the ambitious entrepreneurs I work with, you want to find a consistent stream of perfect clients and convert them into paying clients (so you can …. travel more, earn a...
Hate Networking?
Over the years I’ve stressed about attending networking events. I would procrastinate attending; I would spend hours fiddling with my elevator speech; I’d arrive with sweaty palms; I’d flub my elevator speech ….. sound familiar! It’s all about that...
Don’t use a client avatar!
It’s been a busy week of speaking, networking; and yes, sales conversations. During some recent sales conversations I had my own aha about my client avatar – my ‘dream’ client. You see … I recently started working with a new client who didn’t seem to fit...
4 Most Dangerous Words for your small business
You’ve just come home from a conference or a workshop with a notebook full of wonderful ideas (tips, tricks & strategies) that you want to implement in your business. You’re pumped!!!! You put your notebook on your desk but then the next morning you...
How do you find clients?
Just the other day a friend was telling me that she attended a wellness fair as a sponsor. She announced with great enthusiasm. “ I finally found my peeps”! She continued, telling me that in the past she had attended many different types of events, but...
8 Ways to Ensure Your Website Makes A GREAT 1st Impression
Although you don’t need a website to have a successful or profitable business, if you’re going to have one, it should make a great first impression! WHY – because your website is a reflection of who you are and the work that you do – so it better be darn...
7 Strategies to Position Yourself as THE EXPERT
Last week, I talked about the importance of narrowing your niche and positioning yourself as the EXPERT. I also gave you a few hints on how you could narrow your niche! Remember, you don’t just wake up one morning and POOF you’re positioned as an expert...
How to narrow your niche & win more clients!
I’m sure if you’ve been reading anything at all about marketing these days you’ve heard of the need to niche! But what is a niche exactly? A niche is a profitable subset of the market with a very particular set of needs or preferences (notice the word...