Tips & Strategies to

Biggest Marketing Problem?

Biggest Marketing Problem?

This week I gave myself permission to take some time off for ME!!! (And yes, you can too!).  However, since I love my business and what I do, I read about marketing in my spare time when I’m not reading trashy romance novels – Yeah Danielle Steele or Nora Roberts. But...

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Is it possible to simplify…

Is it possible to simplify…

Every day I hear people say that marketing is… Overwhelming Complicated Doesn’t work Marketing does work but only when you simplify it!  And do it again.  And do it again! When you are not simplified – it often shows up like this: Spinning your wheels. Confusion of...

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What’s Holding You Back?

What’s Holding You Back?

About a month ago I was working with a private client (Jill) who owns a small business with several employees.  She was STUCK.  Every time she seemed to get back on track, something else got in her way.  She just couldn’t seem to get ahead of her pile of work or make...

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5 Easy Ways to Simplify Your Content

5 Easy Ways to Simplify Your Content

Clients ask me every week – so Diana, how do you have time to create ALL the content that I see you put out there?  You do FB lives, videos, speaking, emails, blog posts and even webinars? Well – those secrets are what I’m going to share with you here! First – let’s...

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The World is Different

The World is Different

Take a moment – remember what life looked like on March 1st, 2020. Everything is different today!! Schools are closed.Businesses are closed.Churches are closed.Stores are closed.Live networking is no more.Live events are no more. Social distancing for many means a...

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Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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