Tips & Strategies to
How to RESTART with ease, confidence and success!
Getting back on the horse is never really easy (so the saying goes) but you know you GOTTA JUST DO IT. It's so important to remember that reading & responding to all those emails is NOT the most productive thing you can do for your business!!! That is...
Words to live by …. the Entrepreneur’s Alphabet!
A Awareness (about ourselves mostly)B Belief (in ourselves)C Consistency (in our work)D Delegate (one of the hardest skills to learn)E Execution (get _hit done)F Focus (stop the distractions)G Gratitude (for what we have...
What can we learn about MARKETING from the Calgary Stampede?
Let's face it ... The Calgary Stampede is a business; a big business with a huge reputation. Here's a few things that they do REALLY REALLY well (enough for me to spend time & money to attend when it was raining & cold).Create a crown and wear it...
9 Productivity Tips to Work Smarter, not harder!
Summertime is the time to get outside and enjoy life.Here are some tips to help you do that!The more time you can save; the more efficient you get with your productivity; you'll feel less stress. Always carry a notebook with you for quick notes and ideas that pop...
5 Routes Out of Stuck-ville that will make you happier, more productive and definitely more profitable!
STUCK-VILLE - that city that goes nowhere! It seems as though the streets are all dead ends; the highways just go round and round; and no one gets off the bus. It might sound familiar to you. I've been there and so has almost every business owner...
8 Tips to Build a Better Business Card — Be More Memorable, Unforgettable, and Reachable!
You attend networking events and collect business cards! Have you ever REALLY looked at them? Which ones impress you? Which ones do you immediately throw in the garbage? Are there some that you save because they just look great?Your business...
Three Books that will make you Richer, Smarter & Happier!
Now there are a ton of books that would fit into this category; however, it's come to my attention that 'money' and money limiting beliefs are huge roadblocks for small business owners, both men & women! So I'm continually learning how I can help my...
Creating an Endless Stream of Blog Content (Fast, Easy & Fun)
It's summer time -- woohoo. That means boating, friends & family and the occasional rainy day! I love rainy days. Today, I sat in my office and got _hit done -- yup. I created, curated and organized 60+ blogs in less than 45 minutes ......
Pick One!
Over the last couple of years, I've realized that I wasn't the only one 'playing small'. I wasn't the only one focussing on activities that weren't money related! I wasn't the only one that needed some inspiration!!So about two years ago, I promised myself...
5 Steps to Successful Events
Whether you want to hold a seminar, a small workshop, webinar or a large event such as PROSPER, there isn't much difference in these steps!! Hope they help you hold your own successful event -- after all, speaking at events is one of the best ways to market...