Tips & Strategies to
Tips to GROW your marketing muscle
It's funny -- when you think you have nothing to write about -- bam! I got an inspiration yesterday by reading the Costco Magazine that actually had not one but 2 articles on how to 'grow your marketing muscle'. The first one was about websites and how...
A slimy car salesman?
Just those words -- slimy car salesman -- don't they bring up a vivid picture! Does it make your skin crawl? I'm sure it brings up negative emotion!Okay. Now when I say the words .... marketing. How do you feel? What emotions come to mind?...
#1 Marketing Rule
There's lots of 'secrets', 'guidelines' and 'rules' when it comes to business and marketing. You can call it what you want -- but if you don't get this particular rule right ... nothing works!I'm sure you will recognize it. You create what you think...
5 Smart Ways to Keep the Money Flowing
MONEY. It comes in and goes out! But sometimes it seems difficult to keep the money flowing INTO our businesses on a consistent basis.So let's do a little exercise -- stop whatever your are doing and spend 15 minutes to examine how your clients come to...
The Athlete’s Secret
Okay - I'll admit it!!! Over the weekend, I caught the dreaded disease that stops entrepreneurs in their tracks .... OVERWHELM. I tossed and turned; didn't sleep well; and generally worried. You see I'm in the process of planning two rather large...
5 Rules to GROW by for 2016
I'm guessing that you would like 2016 to be a better year than 2015 for your business??? Here are 5 rules that will help you Grow, Prosper & Succeed in 2016!RULE #1 - Look ahead and concentrate on what's happening now. It's true that it's good to...
5 Easy Ways to Increase Your Productivity
I watched a video this morning that made me realize I've been doing a few things WRONG and that I could improve my productivity if I changed just a few small things! They aren't gigantic changes but easy things I believe we can all do. So I thought I would...
STUCK – The Most Common Reason
Lately I've been talking to a lot of you out there! Between building a new network and the follow-up after Prosper, there's been lots of coffee dates and phone calls. I'm seeing a lot of really smart women who are struggling to take their business to the...
The OTHER 4-letter word!
I've discovered that there are several 4-letter words that many small business owners avoid .... today's 4-letter word is S-E-L-L. Yes - for many, especially women, anything to do with 'selling' seems to be something to be avoided! Whether it's the picture...
The event is over — so why am I so busy?
PROSPER was a huge success and it was 12 days ago. A number of people suggested that I deserved a 'well-earned break' and that I should take some time off. Sounds like a wonderful idea. I spent countless hours in my office working late at night and...