Tips & Strategies to
5 Simple Steps to Define Your Success
Not long ago, I was talking with a woman who had recently started her own business. During the conversation, I asked her, "What's your vision for your business? If you look forward, let's say 2-3 years, how will you define your success?" She didn't...
Does your marketing plan needs a GPS?
I'm rather old-school -- I like maps when I'm taking a road trip! Never mind that I was a geography major in university and had to draw maps by hand -- yes, that's right! But today, it's all about technology - handheld or otherwise. Back to the...
I hate being disorganized!
Most of the time I am an organized person -- making lists, writing appointments down in my agenda, and everything in its place! But there are times when I just spend time being 'busy', re-organizing things, and doing endless stuff. Well - that's...
Sales is sleazy, right?
The old image of a sleazy used car salesman is a common visual of someone who HATES sales! But that's okay -- we all have images in our minds that are there from our previous experiences, and our earlier life. Typically, sales reluctance and resistance...
Bright shiny objects
For many years, I owned a successful home-decor store. I loved helping my customers. Often, they would come in looking for something in particular but be distracted by 'bright shiny objects' and end up leaving without making a purchasing decision. So...
Reason #3 (Why Marketing is so difficult?)
The word 'authentic' seems to be a buzz word these days in business. You've probably heard this many times - "Be authentic". It really means to be your true self! When you speak (or write) from the heart, it comes with passion and it reflects who you...
School’s out — Woohooo!
Here’s reason #2 why people think marketing is so difficult – but the solution is simple!
Why is it so hard?
Marketing is hard -- so I've been told time & time again. But is that really true? I think entrepreneurs, sales professionals and small business owners make it much more difficult that it needs to be. I'm a firm believe in the K.I.S.S. principle...
How to write a terrific Thank-You note?
What do you normally receive in the mail? Bills and junk mail - right? Well imagine going to the post box and finding a handwritten card -- surprise! You look at the return address and see that it's from a store where you recently bought something....
Everywhere I turn….
An essential business skill!