Tips & Strategies to
What Kind of Business Owner Are You?
By now you know that #SHIFTprofit event is September 27 & 28 in Ottawa (if you don’t – I guess you don’t live on FB or open your emails - - just kidding!) This 2-day live training event helps AMBITIOUS, passionate business owners elevate their...
Can your business survive without a better you?
Do you need your business to make money? Or are you okay with having a business that’s constantly on the cash flow roller coaster? no consistent revenue? isn’t growing at the pace you want? The fact is ……79% of small business owners earn less than $22,000...
Eliminating the hustle & cash flow roller coaster
One of the biggest challenges for most small business owners is the cash flow roller coaster. It’s that feeling of constantly chasing new clients because one month the revenue is good but the next month it falls off.It makes you feel as though you are...
Does your business need a health checkup?
How can you tell if your business is healthy? Use a stethoscope? Check its pulse? Well not exactly but I would ask about whether it is profitable!!! How much profit do you make? Do you even know? While attending a profit planning session earlier this...
A Special Guest Interview
This is the cherry on top (so to speak) – the last episode in the series on delegation and an interview with my Virtual Assistant (VA) Stephanie! If you’re anything like I was a few short years ago, you desperately want to grow your business but it seems...
Can you afford NOT to delegate?
Here’s a question that helped me shift my thinking about how I would grow my business…. Instead of asking …. WHAT needs to get done? Ask – WHO can do what needs to be done? See the difference? We don’t have to do everything! Should I say that again… we...
Six Ways to Delegate Without Hiring a Team Member
Most business owners hate the thought of hiring a team member! To them it means additional costs and giving up control – yes, we have to give up the DOING if we are going to grow! But there are ways to delegate without hiring a team member and these are...
3 Signs You NEED to Delegate in Your Business
How to know if it’s time to delegate? In the early days of your business as a solopreneur, you were the CEO – chief everything officer!!! You were the master of multi-tasking – like the circus performer spinning multiple plates in the air. How did that...
Bust through your DELEGATION fears
(so you can grow your business)! The idea of delegating often makes small business owners really nervous!!! I totally understand as I’ve recently had to deal with those scary monsters! But I do know that busting through those fears is the path to growth!!! As I...
Oprah doesn’t film her own show!
No – she doesn’t film her own show – heck she probably doesn’t choose her own clothes! Tony Hsieh doesn’t answer the phones at And Jimmy Fallon doesn’t write all his own jokes. These powerhouses know the secret to their success is to FOCUS...