Tips & Strategies to
Want more clients: the powerful missing link!
I hear almost daily that small business owners want a strategy to attract more clients! They work hard on their marketing but still aren’t getting all the clients that they want. Sound familiar? Very often, they just need a little tweak here and there to...
Are you wasting your valuable time networking?
My son works as a fishing guide north of Yellowknife! His goal is to have his clients to catch lots of fish. If one of his clients wants to catch salmon that means he must take them to where the salmon hang out; they have to take the right fishing...
Why should I buy from you?
As entrepreneurs, we often purchase from other small business owners. Let’s say you need to hire a bookkeeper …. perhaps you go to your pile of business cards on your desk and shuffle them until you find 2 or 3 bookkeepers; you call them; and end up...
If your marketing isn’t bringing you clients, why?
We are often told by the gurus that we need Instagram, Facebook, perhaps we should also be on LinkedIn; and have a 10 page website, writing blogs, doing FB lives, networking and the list goes on and on! Total OVERWHELM, right? … And often after spending...
STOP HUSTLING …. instead, use your entrepreneurial D.N.A.
Okay, so I’m assuming you understand what I mean by ‘hustle’! That’s the state we are in when we work, work, work …. often thinking that MORE work is the answer! Sound familiar. We’ve all been there – especially when we are starting out in our...
I wasn’t always grateful!
YUP!!! That's the truth! Well, I should say that although I felt I had a pretty good life, being truly grateful and expressing that gratitude wasn't always high on my list of things to do! However that has changed over the years for a number of reasons!...
Are you cheating your customers?
Yes – it’s true. By making common pricing mistakes you could be cheating BOTH your clients and your profitability! You could be holding clients back from getting the FULL transformation that they deserve and that they want. And it’s possible, you aren’t...
You never forget your first!
You never forget your first ……business coach that is. I remember hiring my first business coach when my coaching business was struggling! I was earning the embarrassing amount of $400 per month – and truthfully I knew that if something didn’t change, it...
Introducing 3 Outstanding Benefits of Attending Live Events
It’s true that the internet and social media offer an endless array of information that you can apply to your business! There’s webinars, FB live videos, youtube, free downloads and the list goes on. Actually - there's so much, it's information overload!...
FOCUS ON PRODUCTIVITY: 3 essential steps to getting more done!
One of the traps that solopreneurs can easily fall into is believing that being busy is the same as being productive! Today being busy is often worn as a badge of honor but it’s not the same thing as doing activities that actual help get more clients or...