Tips & Strategies to
WHY you need an email list?
Time and time again, I meet professionals who don't have an active email list. They don't have an opt-in box on their website; they don't gather prospects names or emails; and they are wondering why their business isn't growing! I'm a BIG believer that building...
3 Reasons Why You Might Be Stuck
I know what it feels like. You work hard every day and yet you feel like you haven't accomplished anything. You are busy but nothing seems to get done. You're working in your business and yet still not the level of income you desire! You feel...
The Quickest & Easiest Way to Get More Clients!
We've started a new 90-days (or the 2nd quarter of the year) and this quarter my theme is GROW! I'm focusing on growing two things: my email list and my client list. (Next week, I'll talk about growing your email list). The quickest and easiest...
8 Tips to Make Your Business Card Better
You attend networking events and collect business cards! Have you ever REALLY looked at them? Which ones impress you? Which ones do you immediately throw in the garbage? Are there some that you save because they just look great?I recently...
ATTENDING AN EVENT – 12 Tips to Increase your R.O.I.
Here's the scenario .... you purchased your ticket months ago to a live event and you are so excited to be going. Then you forget about it and SUDDENLY the date is upon you! YIKES!As you know, I love to be prepared. To help those attending my...
I have a confession to make!
Hello - my name is Diana. (response - Hello Diana) I'm a learning addict! There I've confessed!! I'm a life-long learner and that's a good thing. I love to read personal development books; sign up for the latest webinars; subscribe to...
Time – find more or create more?
We all have the same amount of time in a day!!! But it's amazing how different people use it. Some work from 9-5; others only a couple of hours. Some watch television from 8-11; others don't own a television. Some do everything themselves; others...
Do you use the ‘4-principles’?
I was reading Deena Morton's "Road Map to Success" and learned about her 4-principles idea. This resonated with me so much that I wanted to share it with you! You've heard me talk about each of these principles previously, but the truth is that...
Someday, I’ll ….
Can you finish the sentence? Someday, I'll..... So here's my 5-minute marketing challenge for you.Stop! Get off the hamster wheel ...Find a quiet spot! Turn off your phone! Tell the kids & husband you need 5 -- yup 5 - whole minutes...
Vacations are bad…
Vacations are bad for my email inbox! I've just spent the morning cleaning up my inbox after being away and having only very limited internet access while in Costa Rica. So that's the only reason why I can say that my vacation was bad. Now .......