Tips & Strategies to

Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat

Like everything else this year, Halloween is going to be different!  You don’t need any more TRICKS, but I thought you could do with a treat – a little gift so to speak! 🎁 Your treat ……  FREE MARKETING WORKSHOP WEEK (and there are prizes during this week too!!) 🎁...

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Free Gifts For You!

Free Gifts For You!

This week I have some gifts to offer you!  Some are free; some are not!!! But my promise is that each and every one of them will help you grow your business and create that freedom & flexibility in your life you’ve always wanted! Let’s start with the FREE gifts –...

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Avoid This Messaging Mistake

Avoid This Messaging Mistake

There’s ONE word that stands out, amongst all, that is a killer when it comes to marketing! It’s the one word that so many people use too frequently in their introductions (elevator pitches). It’s the one word that is used far too often in website copy. Can you guess...

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Diana Lidstone Coaching and Consulting

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